miércoles, julio 10, 2013

The OpenReflex Is A 100% 3D Printable Open Source SLR Camera

via DIY
Maker Léo Marius was not satisfied with the state of 3D printed cameras. Sure, we've see a few pinholes printed here and there, but never a full operational camera.
This is why he set out to build an entire home printable camera - The OpenReflex (kinda like Defense Distributed home-printable gun, only way more legal).

3d printable camera

Here is the project description (I am really liking this guy now)


The OpenReflex is an Open-Source analog camera with a mirror Viewfinder and an awesome finger activated mechanic shutter (running ~ 1/60°s). What's more, it's compatible with any photographic lens.
All the pieces easily printable on an recent RepRap-like ABS 3D-printer without using support material ! Everything should print in less than 15h and anyone should be able to assemble it within 1h.
All parts are separate ( Film receiver, Shutter and Viewfinder ) to simplify builds and modifications.
The source files are available under the CreativeCommon By-Sa license, fell free to modify them if you want a new feature, and don't forget to share your improvements on the web ;)
The camera is every bit of an SLR as you'd imagine featuring everything you need, including a mirrored viewfinder. Operation is still a bit cumbersome, but this will probably improve now that the camera is in the wild. Currently it works with a hand activated sliding window.
It can be printed in any reprap-like ABS 3D printer a some flatboard and some sugru. Here is the sum of parts you end up with:
3d printable camera
And here are some of the steps in the way to completing the project:
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
3d printable camera
The camera actually performs quite well, here are a few sample pictures:
3d printable camera
3d printable camera