lunes, febrero 28, 2011

2/17 cartoon: Mike Luckovich on social networking


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algún dia


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vía Stuff No One Told Me ( but I learned anyway ) de Alex Noriega el 24/02/11


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When Men Take a Day Off [Cartoon]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 24/02/11

So, has something like this ever happened to one of you guys? :)


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How Watson Could Have Been Defeated on Jeopardy


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Computers: A Chronological Timeline [Infographic]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 27/02/11

Infographic: A Comprehensive History of Computers

The history of computers, from 1938 to 2010, all illustrated via this informative infographic. Enjoy!

[Source: Test King]

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  1. Chess Computers Reach the Next Level
  2. How the Internet Works [Infographic]
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jueves, febrero 24, 2011

How Far Is the Moon from Earth? [Video]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de ACrezo el 22/02/11

Further than you'd think, apparently. Given a basketball (to represent Earth) and a tennis ball (the Moon), most people guess within an arm's length, which in reality is close enough to send Luna plummeting into the Pacific. Others take a few steps back, which is warmer but still close enough to put some cataclysmic stress on the Equator.

In truth, the distance from the Earth to the Moon at this scale is roughly 17.5 feet, which from Mars looks a little something like this:

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  1. Asteroid Nearly Misses Earth Monday
  2. The world is ending: Meteorite on track to hit earth next week
  3. What if the Moon was as big as Jupiter?


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lunes, febrero 21, 2011

Awesome Stop Motion Short: Black Widow Gone Wild [Video]


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Man vs. Shadow Army: Fight! [Video]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 21/02/11

Check out the following video featuring Japanese actor Taichi Saotone as he fights his way through an army of shadow clouds, and then, against his own shadow self. Enjoy!

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  2. US Army warns: Tweet with care
  3. 8-Bit Army Lays Waste to NYC


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viernes, febrero 18, 2011

M.C. Escheresque Waterfall [Video]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 17/02/11

I'm pretty sure there's some kind of trick or optical illusion behind the video, but I can't put my finger on it. Anyone here cares to elaborate on the reason why the water seems to go up the device?

[Via Neatorama]

Related posts:

  1. Old School Video Game Character Race [Video]
  2. The Eclipse of Mars [Optical Illusion]
  3. Introducing the Does-Nothing-o-Matic (Video)


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martes, febrero 15, 2011



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vía El perro Mistetas de El Perro Mistetas el 11/02/11

—No te irás a poner eso para
ir a ver al consejero matrimonial, ¿no?

Sinceramente, me parece brutal. Speedbump, siempre.


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vía b a c t e r i a OPINA de b a c t e r i a el 14/02/11



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Bad Grades: 1960 vs. 2010 [Cartoon]


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Geektastic Facebook Avatars [Pics]


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vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 15/02/11

Check out these awesomely geeky Facebook avatar pictures by artist Ashley Hay. If you don't have any profile picture on your Facebook page, why not use one of these to spice up your profile a bit?

Hit the jump to see the rest –>

[Via Buzzfeed]


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