miércoles, agosto 25, 2010

El problema/paradoja del cumpleaños


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vía Juegos Microsiervos de no-reply@microsiervos.com (Alvy) el 19/08/10

Pastel de Cumpleaños (CC) Theresa Thompson¿Cuánta gente hace falta en un grupo para que la probabilidad de que dos de ellas tengan la misma fecha de cumpleaños (día y mes) sea mayor que el 50 por ciento?

La sorprendente respuesta es 23. Un número tan reducido que se antoja casi paradójico respecto a todas las fechas posibles que hay en un año. Es algo que en cierto modo desafía a la intuición, que a simple vista lleva a pensar que haría falta más gente.

La clave del asunto es que pueden coincidir las fechas de dos personas cualesquiera del grupo, no necesariamente la tuya o la de alguien en concreto, y que las combinaciones de parejas posibles aumentan más rápido de lo que parece cuanta más gente participe en el problema. El valor exacto de 23 no es demasiado complicado de calcular.

Otra forma de verlo es que en una clase con 30 ó 40 personas es más probable que dos de ellas compartan cumpleaños a que todas tengan fechas diferentes.

Esto se conoce como La paradoja del cumpleaños o El problema del cumpleaños y ya hace tiempo que en Gaussianos le dedicaron una anotación completa y con mucho detalle que los interesados en esas curiosidades probabilísticas apreciarán. Técnicamente no es una paradoja, pues no hay una contradicción lógica, aunque se le suele llamar así porque el resultado resulta chocantemente alejado de lo que indica la intuición a la mayor parte de la gente.

Una idea interesante al respecto es hacer la prueba en la próxima reunión de gente a la que vayas: no siempre funciona, pero es más probable que aciertes a que te equivoques.

{ Foto (CC) Theresa Thompson. Publicado originalmente en Microsiervos en enero de 2008.}

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miércoles, agosto 11, 2010

7 duras realidades del Social Media


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vía Eduardo Arcos de Eduardo Arcos el 29/07/10

Esta presentación hecha por Bart De Waele y mostrada en un Barcamp en Amberes, Bélgica grita y ruega ser traducida a español y hacersela leer a cualquier agencia de marketing y social media expert que ahora pululan y se reproducen como conejos por todo el mundo.

Vía: Mauricio Pastrana


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martes, agosto 10, 2010

El Himno de PHP


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vía VivaPHP! de Cristian R. Arroyo (vivab0rg) el 26/07/10

Desgraciadamente disponible sólo en inglés y todavía sin subtítulos en nuestro idioma (¿algún samaritano bilingüe por allí?), este video es un clásico ejemplo del nuevo género musical conocido como Nerdcore cercano al lenguaje que tanto amamos odiar.

Publicado en VivaPHP!, archivado en Artículos y etiquetado como Ouch! y Video.


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El cuerpo humano, en HTML y PHP


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vía Microsiervos de no-reply@microsiervos.com (Alvy) el 8/08/10


Una divertida idea: El cuerpo humano, en HTML y PHP, obra de Alvaro G. Ghisolfo, que cumple con una descripción bastante completa y no solo parcial del cuerpo humano.

Tiene algunos meses, pero no lo vi pasar en su día, lo reencontré ahora vía Geeks are Sexy. ¡Ideal una para hacerse una camiseta geek!

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jueves, agosto 05, 2010

Top 10 Country Flag Icon Sets



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vía Speckyboy Design Magazine de apaulandrew el 4/08/10

A country flag image could be used for any number of reasons, perhaps the most popular method would be on a web site which allows the user to either select the language of their choice or to access the site-version dedicated to their country. The problem is that there are many, many sites were you can download and use the national flag image of your choice, but the most of these are pretty bland and basic and don't really offer the graphical expectations of modern web design. We want better.

An excellent substitute for flag images would be to use one of the, sadly so few, professionally designed country flag icon-sets that are freely available. And that is what we have found for you today: A collection of the best country flag icon-sets.

This is our weekly section were we highlight the Top 10 resources from any given field from within the design community. These mini-articles give us an opportunity to share some really useful resources which would be either-wise ignored and difficult to justify with a full blown article.

Flags Icons by IconDrawer

Flags Icons by IconDrawerThis set by IconDrawer, consists of 278 free flag icons representing countries and unions from all over the world. They are all in .png format and sized at: 16×16px, 24×24px, 32×32px and 48×48px.
License: Linkware License. (You can purchase a royalty-free license for $60)
Flags Icons by IconDrawer →

Country Flag Icons for iPhone Maps

Country Flag Icons for iPhone Maps
The Country Flag Icons for the iPhone come in .png, .ico and .icns formats. Available sizes include: 256×256px, 128×128px, 64×64px, 48×48px, 32×32px and 16×16px. There are 230 country icons in the set.
License: Free for non-commercial use.
Country Flag Icons for iPhone Maps →

Ultimate Free Web Designer's Icon Set + Flag Icons

Ultimate Free Web Designer's Icon Set + Flag Icons
This icon set, from Smashing Magazine, is a huge collection of icons that focus on web design: web application icons, user interface icons, e-commerce icons,blog icons, smiley icons, button icons, keyboard icons and, of course, national flags icons. There are a total of 94 flag icons in the set.
License: You can freely use it for both your private and commercial projects, including software, online services, templates and themes.
Ultimate Free Web Designer's Icon Set + Flag Icons →

famfamfam Flag Icons

famfamfam Flag Icons
There 247 icons in the "Flags" icon set from famfamfam, in .gif and .png formats and all representing most countries in the world as small pixel icons.
License: They are available to use freely for any purpose with no requirement for attribution.
famfamfam Flag Icons →

Free Country Flag Icons

Free Country Flag Icons
There are 37 country flag icons in this set, they are rendered at 256×256px, 128×128px, 64×64px, 48×48px, 32×32px and 16×16px and come in .png, .ico and ,icns formats.
License: All of the icons contained in this set are free for non-commercial use. For commercial use or for extending the existing set please contact CustomIconDesign.com.
Free Country Flag Icons →

172 Final Flag Icons

172 Final Flag Icons
There are 172 icons in this set, they render at 256×256px, 128×128px, 64×64px, 48×48px, 32×32px, 24×24px and 16×16 pixels and are .png, .ico and .icns formats.
License: Free for non-commercial use.
172 Final Flag Icons →

Flags of the World Icons

Flags of the World Icons
Flags of the World is a collection of 18pxx12px icons in .gif format.
License: Creative Commons licence: Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales. This means you are free to use them for both personal and commercial work, as long as you do not sell them.
Flags of the World Icons →

Phoca World Flag Icon

Phoca World Flag Icon
Phoca World Flag Icon set includes 252 icons in .gif and .png formats. They are sized at 16x12px and 22x14px.
License: You are free to use them for both personal and commercial work, as long as you do not sell them.
Phoca World Flag Icon →

Flags of all Countries – National Flag Icons

Flags of all Countries - National Flag Icons
The National Flag Icons are a collection of 250 individual icons, in .png format and sized at 48x48px, 32x32px and 16x16px.
Flags of all Countries – National Flag Icons →

Flag Favicons

Flag Favicons
These basic (and slightly old-fashioned) world flag icons were created many years ago when the standard color and size formats recommended were 16 colors and 16X16 respectively. They come in .ico format and are sized at 16x16px.
License: These are free to download, use and modify in any way you like.
Flag Favicons →

Flag Icons Search Engine

Flag Icons Search Engine
flag.redpixart.com is a flag icon search engine that has high quaility icons of more than 190 countries. Each icon has serval file formats, such as PNG, GIF and JPG, and you can browse and download them for either Windows, Macintosh or Linux Systems.
License: All icons are free to use for non-commercial purposes, but part of copyright belongs to the original designer. If you want to use icons for any commercial purpose, you have to give credit to the individual artist.
Flag Icons Search Engine →

50 iPhone Styled Flag Buttons

50 iPhone Styled Flag Buttons
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
50 iPhone Styled Flag Buttons →

Flag Button Devkit from Bartelme Design

Flag Button Devkit from Bartelme Design
This is a Photoshop and Illustrator development kit for creating flag buttons. After downloading the kit, to create a new button, just duplicate a layer group and paste the new flag into the respective layer. It's as simple as that.
Flag Button Devkit from Bartelme Design →

Flag Creator PSD

Flag Creator PSD
Flag Creator PSD →

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