martes, mayo 17, 2011

Made of WIN and AWESOME: Remote-Controlled Superhero [Video]


Enviado por luishernando a través de Google Reader:


vía Geeks are Sexy Technology News de Geeks are Sexy el 17/05/11

Just imagine, one evening, as you're walking around your neighborhood, you see this thing zipping past you in the sky:

Now for only $295, you too can make your neighborhood's kids think that superheroes actually exist!

Specifications: The full scale RcSuperhero is 75 inches tall, weighs approximately 3 pounds, and has an "arm span" or wingspan of 45 inches.

Flight characteristics: Great! This is due to the low weight to surface area and that it has a high wing like a Piper cub with a low center of gravity. In addition, he has plenty of vertical tail surfaces due to the double side bodies; which adds to the stability. Also, the RcSuperhero has oversized control surfaces and likes to fly upright. He takes off by being thrown or by standing upright in a stand and lands on his belly skids.

Thrust: The RcSuperhero has about 6 pounds of thrust; this allows for vertical take off.


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