Sent to you by luishernando via Google Reader:
What were the greatest causes of death in the 20th century, our "worst century"?
War? Disease? Natural disasters?
We gathered and examined mortality data from around the world – from disease to murder to mudslides – then calculated and visualised what killed the most people.
The result is a 6m x 2m visualisation art-piece for the Wellcome Collection's free London exhibition, "Death – A Self Portrait". (open daily until the 24th Feb 2013).
The show explores the iconography and cultural imagery of death, exhibiting totems, death masks and other memento mori from around the word.
The experience culminates – as all things really should these days – with a mega, wall-sized dataviz:
We'll share the full image and data with you after the exhibition closes.
Things you can do from here: