jueves, julio 30, 2009

El lado oscuro de la publicación científica



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vía infoesfera de Documentación, biblioteconomía e información el 21/07/09

En los últimos meses son varios los casos que han aparecido en los medios que ponen en entredicho el sistema de publicación científica o que al menos sacan a la luz diversas malas prácticas que se han dado principalmente por parte de las editoriales y de los responsables de las revistas.

Este tipo de noticias va saliendo a la luz pública de cuando en cuando. Abusos por parte de los miembros de comités editoriales, invención de datos, publicación redundante, etc. Creo que estas informaciones tienen ( o deben tener) repercusión dentro del mundillo documental, ya que son las bibliotecas universitarias los principales clientes de estas empresas.

Uno de los casos más sonados involucra además a una revista de nuestro ámbito. The Open Information Science Journal (TOISCIJ) aceptó un artículo generado mediante un programa informático (SciGen). Cualquier mínima revisión hubiera detectado que el artículo era un absoluto disparate, y lo hubieran rechazado, sin embargo, la editorial Bentham, que publica diversas revistas en open access aceptó el artículo y requirió al autor la tasa habitual (800 doláres) para su publicación.

El caso deja en entredicho la fiabilidad de ciertas editoriales y el modelo de negocio de las publicaciones open access. Inmediatamente se ha levantado la sospecha de que revistas de esta modalidad podrían publicar artículos por un interés exclusivamente económico (recordemos que un buen porcentaje de las revistas open acess son gratuitas para el lector, pero exigen al autor un pago para cubrir gastos). Por cierto, que Javier Leiva, que es un pionero en todo, ya se la coló a E-Lis hace unos años, siguiendo el mismo método.

Otro caso bastante feo se ha dado con la multinacional Elsevier que ha admitido publicar en los últimos años varias revistas falsas, financiadas por una multinacional farmaceutica, y que publicaba resultados (sorpréndanse) favorables a dicha compañía (Merck, en concreto). Los resultados además no eran originales, ya que previamente se habían publicado en otras publicaciones. Por supuesto en ningún lugar se acreditaba a la compañía financiadora de la revista.

En definitiva, algunas pinceladas del lado oscuro del complejo y apasionante mundo de la publicación científica.


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La profesión de bibliotecario



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vía infoesfera de Ernesto Della Riva el 22/07/09

En la mayoría de las ocasiones la figura del bibliotecario profesional no se conoce realmente. Socialmente es una profesión un poco desprestigiada, donde se piensa que sólo se realizan trabajos de conservacion de libros y préstamo a los usuarios, cuando se trata de una profesión con tareas muy variadas y muy entretenida.

Fuente: http://bibandorra.blogia.com/2009/072201-la-profesion-de-bibliotecario.php
Rincón del Bibliotecario


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El patrimonio musical se digitaliza



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vía infoesfera de Ministerio De Cultura el 23/07/09

Las partituras de 52 piezas de música colombiana que nunca se editaron o que nunca se grabaron se están dando a conocer a través de la página web de la Biblioteca Nacional, como parte de un proyecto del Centro de Documentación Musical (CDM) para recuperar, proteger y difundir ese patrimonio.


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Curso On-line: Archivos 2.0



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vía infoesfera de Jhon el 27/07/09

El objetivo del curso es proporcionar una visión y entrenamiento general sobre Archivos 2.0: estado actual, metas, logros problemas a resolver, perspectivas, oportunidades de interacción y su aplicación en el mundo archivistico.


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Internet abarcará todo



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vía infoesfera de Ernesto Della Riva el 27/07/09

Autor: Antonio Moreno Fecha: 25/07/2009

Esa es una de las frases de Julián Gallo, uno de los bloggers más influyentes de habla hispana, además del fundador de la tirada on-line del diario argentino Clarín: "Internet será la televisión y será el cine y será las bibliotecas". Como bien se puede entender, la trayectoria de la red de redes apunta hacia ese rumbo y Gallo hace hincapié en ello. Desde RTVE nos muestran una completa entrevista al periodista que opina sobre el vídeo en Internet y sus implicaciones frente al resto de medios.

Julián Gallo es un reconocido e influyente internauta, se considera como "consultor de medios interactivos" y es una de las personas más leídas de habla hispana en el planeta. RTVE ha hecho una entrevista al mismo en la que deja clara su opinión de que Internet será la televisión, el cine y también las bibliotecas del futuro. Veamos unas pequeñas pinceladas de la entrevista en cuestión.

Gallo comenta que el futuro de la televisión, lo que se podría denominar televisión 2.0, irá profundamente ligada a Internet. De momento no se conoce en qué manera o hasta qué punto, pero hay opciones como son contenidos pasivos como la televisión tradicional en la que el televidente puede tan sólo observar el contenido emitido y también habrá contenidos interactivos. En este punto se abren muchas posibilidades, puesto que los contenidos interactivos podrían ser tanto elegir las cámaras o distintas opciones durante las retransmisiones como también conseguir más información a través de Internet de lo que estemos viendo en ese momento.

En cuanto al futuro del cine, de juegos, de información, archivo, bibliotecas..., confirma que todo pasará por Internet. Es una manera global de comunicación y a día de hoy podemos tenerlo en la palma de nuestra mano con los avanzados terminales móviles que existen. Sin duda la comodidad y sencillez de uso harán que los modelos de negocio actuales se adapten a la nueva tecnología.

Fuente: http://muycomputer.com/Actualidad/Noticias/Internet-abarcara-todo/_wE9ERk2XxDBzFoCZkdurHIWWwyrJf-1Nt5LRqsbXDeQhnNlmKmodkH41e5F

Rincón del Bibliotecario


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miércoles, julio 29, 2009

WiTricity: Electricidad sin cables a la vuelta de la esquina


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vía ALT1040 de Axel Marazzi el 28/07/09


Una de las cosas que más me molestan de la tecnología son los cables, sobre todo en las computadoras de escritorio con las que tenemos que manejar 150 mil conectores en su parte posterior. Sí, es el infierno junta polvo.

Justamente por estos motivos WiTricity me pareció tan interesante. Se trata de electricidad sin cables para distancias cortas que utiliza resonancia magnética de acoplamiento (algo así como las ondas de radio) que pueden transferir la suficiente energía para darle vida a tu TV o cargar tus celulares.

El proyecto comenzó en el MIT y actualmente se convirtió en una empresa llamada WiTricity Corp con sede en Massachusetts y Eric Giler, CEO, declaró que podríamos estar viendo esta interesante tecnología en funcionamiento dentro de sólo 18 meses.

Vía: CrunchGear


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En Manhattan heladeros usan Twitter para revelar la ubicación de sus camiones


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vía ALT1040 de Axel Marazzi el 28/07/09

Ya conocemos muchísimos usos que se le puede dar a Twitter. Algunos hacen spam y promocionan sólo noticias de sus blogs y webs, otros lo usan para comunicarse con sus amigos, otros para conocer gente nueva y así podría estar toda la tarde.

Pero actualmente en Manhattan los heladeros están un paso más adelante y utilizan el servicio de microblogging para revelar la ubicación de sus camiones.

Está claro que un heladito en verano es algo que causa inigualable placer, pero no encontrar al camión que te los vende es algo que causa inigualable odio, por eso los vendedores tomaron esta interesante iniciativa.

Pero no sólo eso, sino que también lo utilizan como una herramienta de marketing y hasta ofrecen ofertas a sus followers a través de sus cuentas.


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Guía oficial de Twitter para los funcionarios británicos


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vía ALT1040 de Elias Notario el 29/07/09


Twitter sigue su camino imparable y cada vez son menos los que se resisten a participar en el servicio de microblogging. Un nuevo ejemplo lo encontramos en la guía oficial presentada por el Departamento de Empresas, Innovación y Formación (BPI) de Inglaterra con la cual se insta a todos los funcionarios del gobierno a usar Twitter.

No es algo nuevo, varios organismos gubernamentales de diversos países ya están en Twitter, sin ir más lejos hace bien poco comentaba sobre el nuevo canal creado por el ejecutivo español dentro del servicio (a todo esto parece va estupendamente).

Aunque no sean los primeros, este movimiento me parece de los más importantes respecto a Twitter de los acaecidos hasta la fecha (que no han sido pocos), estamos hablando de que el propio gobierno británico está facilitando a todos sus funcionarios (ministros incluidos) la incorporación y uso activo de la red de microblogging. Se abre pues una brecha importante en la forma habitual de comunicación de los trabajadores gubernamentales, un ejercicio de aperturismo en toda regla y con todas las consecuencias.

Parece que muy al final del túnel se empieza a atisbar "la muerte de Twitter" -parafraseando a el gran Hernan Casciari pero cambiando blogs por Twitter- muerte entendida como un proceso en el que la herramienta/ecosistema deja de sonar a chino y su uso se expande por todos los ámbitos y para todo tipo de perfiles.

Digo se atisba de forma consciente, todo en la red está en constante evolución y nadie sabe lo que puede pasar mañana, lo que si es una realidad si analizamos lo sucedido hasta ahora en relación a Twitter: se consolida cada día que pasa, esta guía del gobierno inglés es otro ejemplo de peso.

Vía: Bitelia


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Twitter rediseña la portada y “desvela” sus intenciones


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vía ALT1040 de Elias Notario el 29/07/09


Finalmente Twitter rediseñó, como se anunció, su página principal y el resultado es funcional a la par que viene cargado de intenciones.

La nueva página de inicio verdaderamente tiene mucho donde rascar. Por un lado el eslogan de presentación cambia completamente y muestra perfectamente en lo que Twitter está derivando a decisión de los usuarios, ya no es solo un sitio donde los cuatro de siempre comentan lo que están comiendo, si no una nueva forma de comunicación y un canal para informarnos de cualquier cosa extremadamente rápido. Eso refleja la nueva frase central:

Comparte y descubre lo que está pasando justo ahora, en cualquier parte del mundo.

Y por esa línea, la de dejar claro que son un nuevo y potente medio de comunicación e interacción, sigue el resto de la portada. Colocan en lugar predominante un cajón para realizar búsquedas y también dejan que se vean bien los trending topics.

Por otro lado el rediseño permite adivinar la potencia que se esconde detrás de la página de inicio, con lo cual se "despierta" la curiosidad de los visitantes lo que nos da otra pista del segundo objetivo principal: atraer más usuarios. A ese respecto eliminan "ruido" ocultando las casillas de usuario y contraseña y en contraposición añaden un botón para crear cuenta de considerables dimensiones.

Concluyendo, ha sido un cambio, que dejando de lado lo bonito o no que sea (a mi me gusta mucho más que el anterior), resuelve el problema más importante que tenía la viaja página de inicio: era la primera gran barrera de entrada para nuevos usuarios, no dejaba ver lo que realmente es Twitter hoy en día. Además es toda una declaración de intenciones (que por otro lado estaban bastante claras), quieren seguir impulsado en lo que la comunidad ha convertido el servicio, un renovado ecosistema de comunicación e información.

¿A ti que te parece el nuevo diseño?

Vía: Twitter Blog


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martes, julio 28, 2009

Sensacional campaña contra el Alzheimer (via afalcontigo)


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vía Batcat el 28/07/09

Sensacional campaña contra el Alzheimer

(via afalcontigo)


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lunes, julio 27, 2009

¿Desaparecerán los libros impresos?


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vía 120 Segundos de stephanie el 27/07/09

En este capítulo comparto una curiosidad que encontré en la Universidad de Texas en Austin, la biblioteca de pregrado de la Universidad se ha convertido en un centro de consulta virtual las 24/7. Lo que me hizo reflexionar en si desapareceran los libros impresos y hacia dónde va la industria del libro ¿tu qué opinas?


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viernes, julio 24, 2009

10 Handy WordPress Comments Hacks



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vía Smashing Magazine de Jean-Baptiste Jung el 23/07/09


Comments sections are neglected on many blogs. That is definitely a bad thing, because comments represent interaction between you and your readers. In this article, we'll have a look at 10 great tips and hacks to enhance your blog's comments section and give it the quality it deserves.

You may be interested in the following related posts:

1. Add Action Links To Comments


The problem.
Whether or not you allow readers to add comments without having to be approved, you will often need to edit, delete or mark certain comments as spam. By default, WordPress shows the "Edit" link on comments (using the edit_comment_link() function) but not "Delete" or "Spam" links. Let's add them.

The solution.
First, we have to create a function. Paste the code below in your functions.php file:

function delete_comment_link($id) {   if (current_user_can('edit_post')) {     echo '| <a href="'.admin_url("comment.php?action=cdc&c=$id").'">del</a> ';     echo '| <a href="'.admin_url("comment.php?action=cdc&dt=spam&c=$id").'">spam</a>';   } }

Once you have saved functions.php, open up your comments.php file, and add the following code where you want the "Delete" and "Spam" links to appear. They must go in the comment loop. In most themes, you'll find an edit_comment_link() declaration. Add the code in just after that.


Code explanation.
The first thing we did, of course, was to make sure the current user has permission to edit comments. If so, links to delete and mark a comment as spam are displayed. Note the use of the admin_url() function, which allows you to retrieve your blog admin's URL.


2. Separate TrackBacks From Comments


The problem.
Do your posts have a lot of TrackBacks? Mine do. Trackbacks are cool because they allow your readers to see which articles from other blogs relate to yours. But the more TrackBacks you have, the harder the discussion is to follow. Separating comments from TrackBacks, then, is definitely something to consider, especially if you do not use the "Reply" capabilities introduced in WordPress 2.7.

The solution.
Open and edit the comments.php file in your theme. Find the comment loop, which looks like the following:

foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>     // Comments are displayed here endforeach;

Once you have that, replace it with the code below:

<ul class="commentlist">     <?php //Displays comments only 	foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>        	<?php $comment_type = get_comment_type(); ?>        	<?php if($comment_type == 'comment') { ?> 	    <li>//Comment code goes here</li> 	<?php }     endforeach; </ul>  <ul>     <?php //Displays trackbacks only 	foreach ($comments as $comment) : ?>        	<?php $comment_type = get_comment_type(); ?>        	<?php if($comment_type != 'comment') { ?> 	    <li><?php comment_author_link() ?></li> 	<?php }     endforeach;  </ul>

Code explanation.
Nothing hard about this code. The get_comment_type() function tells you if something is a regular comment or a TrackBack. We simply have to create two HTML lists, filling the first with regular comments and the second with TrackBacks.


3. Get Rid Of HTML Links In Comments


The problem.
Bloggers are always looking to promote their blogs, and spammers are everywhere. One thing that totally annoys me on my blogs is the incredible amount of links left in comments, which are usually irrelevant. By default, WordPress transforms URLs in comments to links. Thankfully, if you're as tired of comment links as I am, this can be overwritten.

The solution.
Simply open your function.php file and paste in this code:

function plc_comment_post( $incoming_comment ) { 	$incoming_comment['comment_content'] = htmlspecialchars($incoming_comment['comment_content']); 	$incoming_comment['comment_content'] = str_replace( "'", '&apos;', $incoming_comment['comment_content'] ); 	return( $incoming_comment ); }  function plc_comment_display( $comment_to_display ) { 	$comment_to_display = str_replace( '&apos;', "'", $comment_to_display ); 	return $comment_to_display; }  add_filter('preprocess_comment', 'plc_comment_post', '', 1); add_filter('comment_text', 'plc_comment_display', '', 1); add_filter('comment_text_rss', 'plc_comment_display', '', 1); add_filter('comment_excerpt', 'plc_comment_display', '', 1);

Once you have saved the file, say goodbye to links and other undesirable HTML in your comments.

Code explanation.
The first thing we did was create two functions that replace HTML characters with HTML entities. Then, using the powerful add_filter() WordPress function, we hooked the standard WordPress comments processing functions to the two functions we just created. This makes sure that any comments added will have their HTML filtered out.


4. Use Twitter Avatars In Comments


The problem.
Bloggers find Twitter very useful because it allows them to promote their blog and stay connected to other bloggers and their own audience. Because of Twitter's popularity, why not illustrate comments with Twitter avatars instead of the normal gravatars?

The solution.

  1. The first thing to do is get the functions file here.
  2. Once you have that, unzip the archive to your hard drive, and then open the twittar.php file.
  3. Select all of its content and paste it to your blog's functions.php file.
  4. The last thing to do is open your comments.php file and find the comments loop.
  5. Paste the following line in the comments loop:
    <?php twittar('45', 'default.png', '#e9e9e9', 'twitavatars', 1, 'G'); ?>

Code explanation.
Some months ago here at Smashing Magazine, an awesome plug-in named Twittar was released. Its purpose is to allow you to use Twitter avatars on your WordPress blog. Because of the number of requests I received from WpRecipes.com readers, I decided to turn the plug-in into a hack, for people who prefer hacks to plug-ins.

Of course, you could simply install the plug-in rather than insert its content into your function.php file. It's up to you.


5. Set Apart Author Comments With Style


The problem.
For blog posts that have a lot of comments, finding the author's comments and responses to reader questions is not always easy, especially if the blog don't have WordPress 2.7's threaded comments feature. Happily, it is possible to give author comments a different style so that readers can always quickly find your answers.

The solution.

  1. Open the comments.php file and find the comment loop:
    <?php foreach comment as $comment) { ?>
  2. After that line, paste in the following:
    <?php $isByAuthor = false; if($comment->comment_author_email == get_the_author_email()) { $isByAuthor = true; } ?>
  3. Once that's done, find the line of code that represents comments (it may vary depending on your theme):
    <li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
  4. Now we have to output the authorcomment class if the comment was made by the author:
    <li class="<?php echo $oddcomment; ?> <?php if($isByAuthor ) {  echo 'authorcomment';} ?>" id="comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>">
  5. The last thing we do is create a CSS class for author comments. Open the style.css file and insert the code. Replace the example colors with your colors of choice.
    .authorcomment{ 	color:#fff; 	font-weight:bold; 	background:#068; }

Code explanation.
Basically, this code compares each email address left by a commentator to the author's email address. If they match, the $isByAuthor is set to true. When comments are displayed on screen, the value of $isByAuthor is checked. If it returns true, then the authorcomment class is added to the container.

It can be done more easily on Wordpress 2.7+ by just adding comment_class(); to the comment's DIV, which automatically adds the class bypostauthor when you're commenting on your own post (Thanks, Nima!).


6. Display Total Number Of Comments And Average Number Of Comments Per Post


The problem.
On your blog's dashboard, WordPress tells you how many total comments your blog has received. Unfortunately, there's no function for displaying this information publicly. Displaying the total number of comments on your blog and average number of comments per post can be very helpful, especially if you have a page for advertising opportunities.

The solution.

<?php $count_posts = wp_count_posts(); $posts = $count_posts->publish;  $count_comments = get_comment_count(); $comments  = $count_comments['approved'];  echo "There's a total of ".$comments." comments on my blog, with an average ".round($comments/$posts)." comments per post."; ?>

Code explanation.
Introduced in version 2.5, the wp_count_posts() and get_comment_count() functions allow you to easily retrieve the total number of posts and comments, respectively, on your WordPress blog. To derive the average number of comments per post, we have to do a bit of simple math, using the PHP round() function to make sure we end up with an integer.


7. Display X Number Of Most Recent Comments


The problem.
By default, WordPress provides a widget that outputs a list of however many of the most recent comments. This is great, but sometimes you want this functionality without a widget.

The solution.
This hack is very simple: just paste this code wherever you need a certain number of the most recent comments to be displayed. Don't forget to specify the actual number on line 3 (after the LIMIT SQL clause).

<?php   $pre_HTML ="";   $post_HTML ="";   global $wpdb;   $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ID, post_title, post_password, comment_ID, comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_date_gmt, comment_approved, comment_type,comment_author_url, SUBSTRING(comment_content,1,30) AS com_excerpt FROM $wpdb->comments LEFT OUTER JOIN $wpdb->posts ON ($wpdb->comments.comment_post_ID = $wpdb->posts.ID) WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type = '' AND post_password = '' ORDER BY comment_date_gmt DESC LIMIT 10";    $comments = $wpdb->get_results($sql);   $output = $pre_HTML;   $output .= "\n<ul>";   foreach ($comments as $comment) {     $output .= "\n<li>".strip_tags($comment->comment_author) .":" . "<a href=\"" . get_permalink($comment->ID)."#comment-" . $comment->comment_ID . "\" title=\"on ".$comment->post_title . "\">" . strip_tags($comment->com_excerpt)."</a></li>";   }   $output .= "\n</ul>";   $output .= $post_HTML;   echo $output; ?>

Code explanation.
As in the last hack, we use the $wpdb object here, too, this time with the get_results() method. Once the comments have been retrieved by the WordPress database, we simply use a for loop to concatenate the comments into an HTML unordered list. The $pre_HTML and $post_HTML variables, initialized at the top of this code, allow you to define which content should go before and after the comments list.


8. Easily Prevent Comment Spam


The problem.
Comment spam is such a pain for everyone. Akismet is a good solution, but why not block spammers outright instead of just marking their comments as suspected spam? This code looks for the HTTP referrer (the page where the request comes from) and automatically blocks the comment if the referrer is incorrect or not defined.

The solution.
Paste the following code in your functions.php file:

function check_referrer() {     if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) || $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] == "") {         wp_die( __('Please enable referrers in your browser, or, if you\'re a spammer, bugger off!') );     } }  add_action('check_comment_flood', 'check_referrer');

That's all. Once you've saved the file, your blog will have a new level of protection against spam.

Code explanation.
This code automatically rejects any request for comment posting coming from a browser (or, more commonly, a bot) that has no referrer in the request. Checking is done with the PHP $_SERVER[] array. If the referrer is not defined or is incorrect, the wp_die function is called and the script stops its execution.

This function is hooked to WordPress' check_comment_flood() function. This way, we can be sure that our check_referrer() function is called each time a comment is posted.


9. Keep WordPress Backwards Compatible With Versions Older Than 2.7


The problem.
Released some months ago, WordPress 2.7 introduced a totally new commenting system, allowing you to thread comments and display them on separate pages. Although this is great, keep in mind if you are creating a theme for a client or for online distribution that many users still haven't upgraded their installation to version 2.8 or even 2.7. This code allows 2.7+ users to benefit from the new commenting system, while keeping the old system functional for people with older versions.

The solution.
You'll need two files for this recipe: the first is a WordPress 2.7 compatible comments file called comments.php. The second is a comment template for older WordPress versions called legacy.comments.php. Both of these files go in your theme directory.

Paste this code in your functions.php file.

<?php add_filter('comments_template', 'legacy_comments');  function legacy_comments($file) { 	if(!function_exists('wp_list_comments')) : // WP 2.7-only check 		$file = TEMPLATEPATH.'/legacy.comments.php'; 	endif; 	return $file; } ?>

Code explanation.
This code creates a function called legacy_comments(), which is hooked to WordPress comments_template function. Each time WordPress calls comments_template(), our legacy_comments() function is executed. If the wp_list_comments() function doesn't exist, the code automatically loads legacy.comments.php instead of comments.php.


10. Display Most Commented Posts From A Certain Period


The problem.
Number of comments is a good way to measure a blog post's popularity and is a good filter for displaying a list of your most popular posts. Another great idea is to restrict a list of your most popular posts to a particular period, like "Last month's most popular posts," for example.

The solution.
Simply paste the following code where you'd like your most commented posts to be displayed. Don't forget to change the dates values on line 3 according to your needs.

<ul> <?php $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT comment_count,ID,post_title, post_date FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN '2009-06-01' AND '2009-07-01' ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT 0 , 10");  foreach ($result as $topten) {     $postid = $topten->ID;     $title = $topten->post_title;     $commentcount = $topten->comment_count;     if ($commentcount != 0) {     ?>          <li><a href="<?php echo get_permalink($postid); ?>"><?php echo $title ?></a></li>     <?php } } ?> </ul>

Code explanation.
The first thing we did was send out an SQL query to the WordPress database using the $wpdb object. Once we got the results, we used a simple PHP foreach statement to display the most popular posts from a certain period in an HTML unordered list.


Related posts

You may be interested in the following related posts:

About the Author

This guest post was written by Jean-Baptiste Jung, a 27-year-old blogger from Belgium, who blogs about WordPress at WpRecipes, about practical Web development tips at Cats Who Code and about Photoshop and Web design at PsdVibe. You can stay in touch with Jean by following him on Twitter.


© Jean-Baptiste Jung for Smashing Magazine, 2009. | Permalink | 36 comments | Add to del.icio.us | Digg this | Stumble on StumbleUpon! | Tweet it! | Submit to Reddit | Forum Smashing Magazine
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martes, julio 21, 2009

35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design


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vía Smashing Magazine de Gerri Elder el 26/06/09


CSS-design is not easy. We need to find workaround across browser inconsistencies, not that easy CSS-concepts and quite counterintuitive CSS-solutions. However, there are effective and useful CSS-tools and Smashing Magazine reviewed many of them in our previous posts. Now it's time to present you with some fresh (or not mentioned earlier) tools that can assist designers in their work.

Today, we will look at 35 new and useful CSS tools, generators and resources that can significantly improve your workflow and reduce your time efforts for CSS-coding. Whether you're writing, compiling, refining or experimenting with CSS code – or all of the above – these tools can help you get the job done faster and better than ever before.

You may want to take a look at the following related articles:

Extend CSS with advanced selectors, variables etc.

Less CSS
Say goodbye to bloated CSS code with LESS. LESS uses existing CSS syntax to extend the capabilites of CSS while compiling lean code.

Less CSS Tool

A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library. Includes CSS 3 Selector support, escaped selector support #id\:value, :contains(text), :not :not(a#id), :not :not(div,p), not attribute value [name!=value], position selectors :first, :last, :even, :odd, :gt, :lt, :eq, easy Form selectors :input, :text, :checkbox, :file, :password, :submit, :image, :reset, :button and more.


When it comes to templating languages for Ruby, Haml is our pick of the litter. Haml was built on the primary principle that markup should be beautiful. Its creators say you should give yourself 20 minutes to sit down and concentrate and you can learn Haml. After learning Haml, your templates will be fast, beautiful and ready to use on any busy website.

Haml CSS Tool

Object Oriented CSS
We demand high performance from CSS in the process of beautiful design work. The problem with these demands has always been that the CSS code can become large and clumsy along the way. Object Oriented CSS creates clean code for even the largest websites and is simple enough for even beginners to use.

Object Oriented CSS Tool

DtCSS: Variables in CSS
DtCSS is a PHP script that preprocesses your CSS file. It speeds up CSS coding by extending the features of CSS, such as nested selectors, color mixing and more. DtCSS reads the CSS file with special syntax written for DtCSS, and outputs the standard CSS. It also comes with a smart caching system.

Everyone has heard the arguments before - the pro's and con's of CSS frameworks like Blueprint. They're not semantic and they're inflexible. Everyone knows it, but it's a start. CSScaffold merges the productivity increase of CSS frameworks, with the dynamic capabilities of Cacheer.

CSS-Tools For HTML-Newsletters

Inline Styler
The Inline Styler converts CSS rules into inline style attributes with the click of a mouse. Choose between entering a url or pasting source url into the box and click convert. It's all done for you.

Inline Styler

Emogrifier automagically transmogrifies your HTML by parsing your CSS and inserting your CSS definitions into tags within your HTML based on your CSS selectors. You can either use the form below to paste your HTML or CSS, or if you're more technically inclined, you can download the PHP source code and use it in your own applications. Great for making e-mail newsletters.

Typographic CSS tools

Better Web Readability Project
The main purpose of this project is to contribute to a better reading experience on-screen by using a CSS typography library.

Better Web

Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around the text. Just drag the bookmarklet to your bookmark toolbar to enjoy easier reading on the Web.


Texster is a CSS code generator that allows you to preview 19 fonts as you adjust size, color, line height, character spacing, word spacing and indent properties - so there are no surprises.


Syncotype Baseline Overlay Bookmarklet
Either install the Safari/Firefox bookmarklet or add one script tag to your page, and the Syncotype box appears in the upper right. Enter your line height and offset from the top of the page in pixels and Syncotype overlays your baseline in red.

Better Web

CSS Font Matching
A list of font comparisons for web development and CSS that compares all three major systems: Linux, MacOS X and Windows.

CSS Font and Text Style Wizard
This tool allows you to easily apply CSS styling to text and generates HTML and CSS source code for you to copy and paste.

Grids with CSS: generators and useful tools

1Kb Grid
A simple tool that generates lightweight CSS-grid and lets you download it. Very useful.

Haml CSS Tool

Fluid 960 Grid System
A set of comprehensive templates for rapid interactive prototyping, based upon the 960 Grid System, covering main design elements such as forms, typography, graphics and various dynamic components.

Haml CSS Tool

Grid System Generator
The grid system generator will create fixed grid systems in valid CSS/XHTML for rapid prototyping, development and production environments. In addition to the css framework, it creates a background file (sample) that you can use in Fireworks, Illustrator, OmniGraffle, Photoshop, Visio (etc.) to aid in prototyping and design.

Haml CSS Tool

BluePrint CSS Architect
This tool will generate the CSS required to layout an XHTML template. It uses Blueprint CSS at the core, but it does not implement the Blueprint grids through classes. Rather, it generates the same CSS for the IDs you have already defined in your template.

BOKS is a visual grid editor that was designed for designers who believe the grid system is good, but haven't had time to fall in love with it yet. Since it is an AIR application, it works on Windows, Mac and Linux and provides a user interface for Blueprint CSS's framework.

BOKS Visual Grid Editor

CSS Grid Calculator
Use the CSS Grid Calculator to quickly visualize page layout and draw grids in a variety of ways. It provides accurate visual feedback on how text blocks and page divisions will appear in browsers and returns style declarations for divisions and code to copy and paste into your CSS.

CSS Grid Calculator

CSS Frameworks

BlueTrip CSS Framework
A full featured and beautiful CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) framework which combined the best of Blueprint, Tripoli (hence the name), Hartija's print stylesheet, 960.gs's simplicity, and Elements' icons, and has now found a life of its own. Including a 24-column grid, sensible typography styles, clean form styles, a print stylesheet, an empty starter stylesheet, sexy buttons and status message styles.


This CSS Meta-Framework provides ports of the best of breed CSS frameworks (blueprint, yui, 960) to Sass.

Compass CSS Tool

HTML/CSS/JS-Kickstart 0.9
A lightweight library of files and folders for getting started on projects really quickly – a kick-start for static web development.

HTML/CSS/JS Kickstart

IPhone-universal is a CSS framework for iPhone Web application developers. This tool makes it simple to create an app using different iPhone interfaces.

Useful CSS development tools

A visual generator of maps using CSS. Very handy.

Vanilla CSS Un-reset
Vanilla is a CSS "un-reset" that works in tandem with CSS resets such as the Yahoo CSS Reset. Vanilla is meant to be dropped into your stylesheet, tweaked and handled to your liking. It's meant to be some kind of a baseline stylesheet, so that you don't have to start over every time.


A small developer editor and validator, a GTK2 application to help create and maintain CSS style sheets for web development.


HTML test page for CSS
The Snipplr html test page for CSS style guide is a good place to test and analyze CSS code. Snipplr is also a public source code repository to store and organize snippets of code to be shared with other designers and developers.

Snipplr CSS Tool

CSS Styling Code Convention Convention
NodeWave provides a complete downloadable CSS Coding Style Convention with guidelines to improve development productivity.

CSS Styling Code Convention Convention

CSS Http Request
Cross-domain AJAX using CSS. Like JavaScript includes, this works because CSS is not subject to the same-origin policy that affects XMLHttpRequest. CSSHttpRequest functions similarly to JSONP, and is limited to making GET requests.

Useful Browser Extensions For CSS-Coding

CodeBurner is a Firefox add-on that integrates with Firebug, to extend it with reference material for HTML and CSS. The extension's core functionality is centered around a new Reference panel, which contains a search tool for looking up HTML elements, attributes, and CSS properties.


CSS Usage 0.0.5
This is a Firebug extension that allows you so scan multiple pages of a site to see which CSS rules are actually used.

CSS Usage

PixelPerfect Firefox Plugin
This Firefox plugin generates an overlay over a web composition over top of the developed HTML.

Firebug Lite
Designers who use FireFox may have used the Firebug extension for some time now, but not everyone uses Firefox. Firebug Lite brings the goodness of Firebug to Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari. Firebug Lite is a JavaScript file that can be inserted into Web pages to simulate Firebug features in browsers other than Firefox.

Firebug Lite

This handy bookmarklet makes refreshing your CSS simple. It comes into play when you're developing dynamic applications. Tested in IE and Firefox and also now has an update with Safari support.


Dust-Me Selectors 2.11
Time for some CSS housekeeping? Dust-Me Selectors is a FireFox plugin that finds unused CSS selectors to help you keep your code clean.

Dust-Me Selectors

Useful CSS tools: online and offline

Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML). Requires Perl 5.6.0 or later.

Visual QuickMenu
Make custom menus on the fly with Visual QuickMenu. Choose a template, click the customize button and instantly create. Visual QuickMenu produces cross browser / cross code menus, capable of running on 100 percent Pure CSS alone, or JavaScript if it's present in the browser.

Open Cube

CSS Redundancy Checker
CSS Redundancy Checker is another tool to help keep your code tidy. Use this tool to find CSS selectors that aren't used by any of your HTML files and may be redundant.

CSS Redundancy Checker

CSS Tools Coda Plugin
CSS Tools brings the power to reformat your CSS to Coda. With this tool you are able to convert a style sheet from a single line to multi-line and vise-versa and compress your CSS code if you'd like.

CSS Tools

CSSFly is a developer's tool for easy site-editing, direct and in real-time in your browser. Simply edit the (X)HTML-code and the external Style-Sheet files - what you code is what you get!


Silk Sprite
Silk Sprite is a Blueprint CSS plugin providing the Popular Silk Icon Package in CSS Sprite form to improve peformance and ease of use.

Silksprite CSS Plugin

Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile.


CSS Cheat Sheet Wallpaper
Rather than opening and closing a CSS cheat-sheet, you can now simply use this attractive wallpaper.

CSS Cheat Sheet

With Styleneat you can input CSS code, upload a file or specify the url of the stylesheet you wish to organize. There are options to arrange properties or sorters alphabetically, import and organize linked stylesheets and to have the output in single or multi-line formatting.


SmartSprites is a CSS sprite generator that allows you to easily introduce and maintain CSS sprites in your designs. SmartSprites parses special directives you can insert into your original CSS to mark individual images to be turned into sprites. It then builds sprite images from the collected images and automatically inserts the required CSS properties into your style sheet, so that the sprites are used instead of the individual images.

Typo3 CSS/JS Merger
This extension speeds up your website by merging your css and js files to minimize requests.

The Box Office
The Box Office lets you wrap/float/contour text around freeform images using CSS for usage in (X)HTML pages. Using today's techniques (PHP/CSS/XHTML) it automates the task of wrapping the text; allowing you, the webdeveloper, to kick back and relax a little.

The Box Office

IE6 CSS Fixer: starter kit
This is a tool specifically designed to ease the pain of the ie6 css debugger. It is not a one-click-fix-all tool and no final version exists yet. It gives designers a head-start by correcting roughly 40-60 percent of IE6 issues with a click and outputing rough code that can be refined.

IE6 CSS Fixer

Wufoo CSS/XHTML Form Templates
A collection of customizable CSS/XHTML-templates for web forms that can be downloaded and used for free.


CSS is great at the basics, but there is a lot of opportunity for improvement by adding a few simple programmatic concepts like variables, inheritance, syntactical cascading, and browser detection. That's what makes JSON CSS better. Alternative implementation.


About the author

Gerri Elder is a writer, Web editor and social media strategist. She can frequently be found on Digg and Twitter.

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